
How To: Make a Cheap DIY Ombre Shirt

I’m definitely a fan of ombre and it’s a huge trend right now. I love how the dark colors fade into light colors. I find it cool and fashionable at the same time. The style is also perfect for summer and wearing it will make surely make you to stand out in the crowd especially the effect of fading to light colors which is trend this summer season. I see a lot of ombre stuff from hair to shirts, pants and shoes but it’s a bit pricey. So I think of an idea, why not to make your own ombre right in your home without costing you so much. So today, I’m going to show to you how to make your own DIY Ombre Shirt from your very old shirt. This is cheap and super easy to do. So let’s start.


Sweets Overload!

This is my first post for the Food Category of my blog.

I will not deny that I really love sweets especially cakes and ice cream. It takes out my bad mood to good. So when I get sad or stressed, ice creams and cakes are my bestfriends. It's a bit childish, but I swear, it's true! Also one of my passion is baking. I think everyone loves baking. If all of the subjects in school are about baking, I will never feel sleepy and I will listen on every single word in the discussion. So when I was in my On-The-Job training, I make sure to myself that I should work in the pastry station in Marriott Hotel. I worked with some pastry chefs in 10 days, and in that 10 days, I learned almost all of their duties and task. I'm happy working while learning because it seems that I only playing while baking some stuff. I'll show you guys some pastries and cakes that I enjoyed to make during my On-The-Job days. And I'm sure that this will make you to starve.

Tattoo Inspirations

I really want to have a tattoo since before I go to college. It looks like it adds more vain and angas to the personality of a person. Plus it serves as an extra accessories in fashion. You can put a ring, anklet or bracelet via tattoo. But my mom was so strict that even ear and other body piercing was restricted for me. I remember when I had my ear piercing back when I was in high school, I wear the earring when I'm not at home and remove it when I'm at home. So it's a secret! So since I am now on my legal age (I'm 19), I want to ink myself without hiding it to my mom.  So I look for some tattooed people for design and style  inspirations. I should decide very surely because the ink I will get is permanent. So think twice!

Having a tattoo same with your special someone is sweet. I like how the white triangle and black triangle meets. I will try this when I meet that someone.

How To: Make a DIY Pocket Patch Shorts

Hey guys! I'm here again to teach you a new DIY Project. It looks like I post DIY more often. And its make me happy because I clean my closet without throwing the old stuff I kept for a very long time ago. For now, I'm going to show you now how to turn your oh-so old  denim shorts into a brand new look. I found an old denim jeans, I crop it on the knee part and fold. I now have an instant shorts! But it still looks plain, so I decided to add some details to the back pocket area. Here's how:

How To: Make a DIY Tank Top in 3 Easy Steps

The heat is on and it’s confirm, summer is here! I told you, I love summer and it excites me a lot. Finally, I can now have more time to sleep and less school problems. It’s time to relax and to enjoy. I can now also feel the touch of sun in my skin. Hence, we should wear comfortable against the hot weather and expose some skin this season. Now, I will teach you how to make an instant tank top in only 3 easy steps.

Scent of Summer

Time goes fast and we didn't notice that summer is coming. I already smell summer. Stores in the   streets are already selling halo-halo, ice candy and other drinks that will refresh you up. One of the things I love about summer is that it's time to change the trends in fashion. Very light colors are now in and shorts are also in-demand this season. A tank-top plus denim short plus a sneakers and accessories and your'e ready to go. Here are some looks that may catch your attention this season.


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