
That Sweat Pants aka Swag Pants

See pants like this?
(Image : source)

Your'e right! This is sweat pants aka swag pants.Others call it harem pants, baggy pants, athlete pants,hip hop pants, dancer pants or whatever. We use to see them wore by the dancers, hip hops, athletics and by the artists like Vhong Navarro and Jhong Hilario in their noontime show, It's Showtime.

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The first time I saw it, I was urge to buy  that kind of pants, besides from it's being trend to fashion industry(men's fashion and some women do wear it), I like the materials used. The fabric is made of cotton so it is very soft and comfortable to wear(that's why dancers use it so they can dance well).
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The style of pants is a bit loose on the crotch part and lower part is tight and narrow. Perfect for a more swag look.

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You can also lift up the lower part to add more details and style.

I rarely see them at the mall, I usually see this pants online and it's cheap too (worth 500php to 1000php depends on the style). Eyes on the streets are on you and they will though that your'e a dancer or Korean(haha). I will surely grab this pants very very soon. I'll update you guys and will post it here in my blog! Keep updated!

*Credits to the photo owners.


  1. i like to buy that one. will you please contact me,.? ill pick!

  2. i like to buy that one. will you please contact me,.? ill pick!



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